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Home >> Yet Another Conference!

Yet Another Conference!

Posted: 05/11/2006 06:56 PM | permaLink

Tags: i-ching

I just found out that I'm enlisted to help with A/V support at another conference in Albuquerque... starting Monday and ending Thursday... I was looking forward to a couple of days off next week, but I guess it will have to wait. Sorry Lisa (aka Dark Chylde)!

I am jonesing once again for ASP.Net. I've been kinda-sorta working on a new version of my Blogging utility, AetherBlogger, but with all the travel recently, plus the new design work for my website, I've not been too diligent about working on the app lately... but hopefully soon I'll get back to work on it. My I-Ching application needs some work too, though, and I really need to try to quit smoking again and get back to the gym. What the hell am I going to do??? Stop sleeping, I guess!!

Well, take care, people. Until...