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Entries Tagged with “winter”

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Mantis Kung Fu

Posted: 10/25/2008 03:06 PM | permaLink

Tags: personal whiskey winter

Picture of a Hooligan Mantis.

My girlfriend and I have been seeing these mantis-creatures clinging to the warm stucco on our back wall in the evening. The guy pictured above just hung out and let me take a bunch of really close pictures! Apparently, these guys can change color to blend in with the environment: Another mantis-creature we saw had changed its color to match the stucco perfectly.

Santa Fe has been wintery lately; the nights are much colder, the days are crisp, and hot tea has become my new favorite beverage. (Whiskey in the wintertime is another favorite, of course!) Now that it’s cold, I forsee a lot of hot stew and oven-roasted dishes in my future... mmmmmm...

I’m in the midst of rearranging my office to make room for a weight bench and my other exercise equipment. My plans for the cold months are to spend a little time each morning and evening at home, so I only have to go to the gym for the cardio equipment. Winter is also a great time to work on programming projects, so I plan a lot of that: New blog with .Net 3.5, new version of the I-Ching application, and a website redesign. Too ambitious? Maybe. We’ll see.

Until next time, reader, stay warm and have fun!

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