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Entries Tagged with “school”

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Status: 30 Percent Crispy

Posted: 08/26/2007 07:11 PM | permaLink

Tags: personal mini-cooper school

The first fall term for school started a couple of weeks ago. The coursework is easy but the reading is KILLING ME. We're talking instant drowsiness upon merely opening the book here. Aside from the boring reading, the class is okay, even if our 'computer lab' is also a run-down chemistry lab that smells funny.

The 2003 MINI Cooper S I bought last month is turning out to be a lot of fun. It's a speedy little car, at least while I'm not running the A/C. The 6-speed transmission is taking a little getting-used-to, but it's awesome to be in a car that can actually dodge the potholes!

Work has been super-busy, and my next leave is in early October (hopefully). Until then, I'll be working my tail off but hopefully also having some serious fun to compensate.

Happy first birthday to A.J., and peace to the tribe...

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