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The Weekend Wire

Posted: 12/09/2006 06:33 PM | permaLink

Tags: coffee holiday work

It's Saturday morning here in Santa Fe, and I feel unusually energetic. My girlfriend had a class this morning, so I'm killing time by playing some loud music and drinking plenty of black coffee. (By the time she gets out, I will be so caffeinated that I will be able to taste the air around my face.) This afternoon, we've got loose plans to do something that involves not being at the house. That's about as far as our little planning session went this morning. I'm thinking about lunch at our favorite sushi bar, and possibly a trip to Best Buy to gaze longingly at gadgets that I'd like to buy for myself, but won't, due to guilt over not buying any Christmas presents yet.

I just finished a week at my new job, and although I might be speaking too soon, I think I made a really good move. The new position is much more focused: I will write web applications in ASP.Net (C#, of course) and SQL Server and that is pretty much it. Big change from the last job where I pretty much did anything that had anything to do with the internet. I kinda miss the extra responsibility, but I needed an environment where I could focus on programming. It doesn't hurt that the other programmers at my new job are a lot more experienced than I am - having Yoda-like mentors nearby is always a good thing. It also doesn' t hurt that the new job pays a lot more! Hell yes.

It is now the 9th of December, and I've yet to do one single bit of Christmas shopping. I am so BAD at Christmas. I tend to hide out in my house and pretend that there IS no holiday season. I wish I could just hibernate from October 30th through January 1st (yes, I hate Halloween, Thanksgiving AND Christmas AND New Year's Eve). Wake me up when Christmas is over, man! Seriously.

My apologies to all my friends and family who will probably receive their Christmas presents in February... but hey, by now, veryone should be used to it! Bah Humbug!