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Home >> Reboot your Monday!

Reboot your Monday!

Posted: 10/25/2005 12:13 AM | permaLink

Tags: humor life-hack

This Monday morning, I woke up feeling especially lousy. 4.5 hours of sleep, no clean clothes, and I was out of NicoDerm Patches. To boot, my work office was more hectic than usual, and my co-workers were beginning to pick up on my nicotine withdrawal-induced veiled hostility.

That's why, when I came home for lunch, I decided that a Monday Reboot was needed: I took a shower, made some (more) coffee, and ate some breakfast food for lunch. And, of course, donned another nicotine patch.

Surprisingly, afterward I felt as if the crappy Monday morning from hell had never even occurred. I may have to start doing this on a more regular basis!

(10/26/2005 06:50 PM)Dark Chylde said:

It sounds as if you could use a hefty dose of demon lovin', heh, heh!!!!