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Re: Nothing in Particular

Posted: 06/09/2007 06:28 PM | permaLink

Tags: life-hack pop-culture

Wow - I just noticed a huge typo on my last post (re: Mind Mapping). Just goes to show how scattered I've been lately. It's all good though - I tend to get a little flaky when I'm deep into a project, as is the current case.

Paris Hilton is back in jail, and that makes me happy. It's not that I hate her personally or anything, but let's face it - she gets off easy because of who she is, and that's wrong. She IS spoiled. I know it sounds a little mean, but - I downloaded a pic of Paris Hilton with sobby-face in the back seat of a squad car. I'm going to keep the image to use as a pick-me-up when I feel down. I'm serious. Sorry, Paris.