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A Sense of Humility

Posted: 11/04/2005 06:20 PM | permaLink

Tags: css design soapbox

In the IT Industry, and web development/design in general, I think it is really important to maintain a strong sense of humility.

In the aftermath of the November 1st CSS reboot, I will say that my horizons have broadened dramatically by being able to see SO MUCH good web design in one place. And I noticed this: on October 31st, I went to bed thinking I was a pretty kick-ass web guy. On November 1st, after looking over many, many web pages, I felt like a little kid on the 1st day of kindergarten.

To be an internet professional is to be a perpetual student. The field changes so rapidly that you can literally learn something new every single day, and new techniques are deprecated within months as they are replaced by newer techniques.... and so on. And no matter how much you know... or how much experience you have... there is always room for improvement.

What does it all mean, Homer? The Point is: there is much to be learned from your fellow geeks. New approaches to old problems. New techniques to help you break out of your current box. But you must be able to swallow your pride in order to learn the lessons that are out there.

And to the CSS Rebooters who are in a tizzy over the whole vote thing: Forget about the site ratings. Pretend they don't Exist. Instead, spend your time looking at the other Rebooters' sites. Appreciate. Learn. Grow. And have Fun, Dammit!